Unplugging from Social Media, Plugging into the Word

While my physical health seems to be at the forefront of my mind right now, I’m starting to see my emotional health suffers as well.   I know what the culprit is….Social Media.  How many hours a day do I spend scrolling through it?  That’s a question I do not want to know the answer to.  I’ve come to the age where the majority of my news feed has shifted from engagements/weddings into pregnancy/birth announcements.  While I am SO happy for many of these sweet couples, it is doing NOTHING to stop my obsession over trying to conceive.  It brings my mood WAY down.

I have a great opportunity starting this Sunday.  Our church is beginning our yearly fast and while I will be doing my usual sweets/caffeine fast, I’ve decided to add Facebook/Twitter/Instagram to that list–and probably Candy Crush too but that’s an entirely separate issue.  I’ve wanted to do this for a long time but am held back by the excuse that I need to be on Facebook for work.  I’m getting rid of this excuse by using a third-party site to run my non-profit social media pages.

How will I ever replace the COUNTLESS hours I waste on social media and candy crush? Oh, I think He’s got some plans for that.  My time with the Lord suffers greatly at the cost of spending my time judging and comparing myself to others via the internet.  That’s got to end.  

All in all, I’m very excited for the opportunity to give up the things that are not healthy for me–whether those be physical or mental.  It’s a 3 week fast but maybe I’ll continue it.  Heck, I might even start early because I’m starting to really see the necessity of it.


I’m so tired–physically and emotionally.  I’m so excited to spend more time with you and being able to hear Your voice again.  I give you full permission to wreck me and rebuild me.  Please heal me.  Let me be addicted to your Presence and your Word and stop craving the things of this world.


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